Introducing the Xenith Handpan by Colin Foulke!

Introducing the Xenith Handpan by Colin Foulke!

Introducing the Xenith Handpan by Colin Foulke!

One of the most celebrated handpan builders in the world Colin Foulke (USA) has released a brand new concept the Xenith Handpan based on years of research & development: a $1000 handpan of the highest quality. There’s no catch! It’s also flight friendly being only 20” diameter. The instruments are available for pre-order for a limited time only. See Colin’s website for details! (I have pre-ordered an Orion scale for myself to help me better explore these more exotic scales).

“So what's the catch?” “It sounds too good to be true.” 

    That’s just it, there is no catch. It's exactly what it sounds like. I have spent the last 8 years dedicated to exploring production methods of these instruments and I have developed a new way that is incredibly efficient, extremely consistent and renders a very high-quality instrument, simple as that. No corners cut, no sacrifices made.

"See, the problem is with the Xenith's price point, people will view the Xenith as an OK entry-level handpan. When in reality it’s anything but. It’s top-quality in my opinion. It’s really impressive all around.”
- Ray Ford, Moderator, CFoulke and Xenith owner

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